Day 4
“It is great to have friends when one is young, but indeed it is still more so when you are getting old. When we are young, friends are, like everything […]
Day 3
When the Nazis hung a sign upon Sigurd Raschèrs door expressing intolarance of his instrument and artistc endeavors, necessity became the mother of invention, and Mr. Raschèr, knowing his days […]
Day 2
Adolphe Sax dreamed of a special single reed instrument which would combine the power of the brasses with the flexibility of the strings, as described by his friend Hector Berlioz […]
Day 1
Our story begins with the music of the master composer Johann Sebastian Bach. The instrument from Andreas‘s collection that is featured today is from the year 1850, one hundread years […]
Raschèr Saxophon Akademie
RSA 2023 Ausschreibung zur 16. Raschèr Saxophon Akademie 2023 Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung hier
Raschèr Baltic Academy!
an exciting new part of the pedagogical activities of the RSQ: more info click here